

A modern-day grain measure. Plentiful, Italian foods inspired by its ancient history and grounds.

Modius, based in Rome-Italy, is sat on ancient grounds which was once the old Porticus Minucia Frumentaria – a place where free grain distributions were offered to local civilians. The vessel used to measure this grain was called a ‘modius’ – of which inspires the name. This offering was known to locals as the ‘Cura Annonae’, meaning ‘Care of Anonna’ (Anonna who was the ancient Goddess of Grain Supply). She is often depicted on ancient Roman coins along with a modius – which is reflected in the bespoke brand symbol created for the brand. The restaurant metaphorically offers customers a modern-day grain measure – plentiful pastas, breads, and humble Italian food of excellent-quality all within a modern-day setting.

Naming generation & supporting brand story was established, with a full brand identity, menu design, marketing collateral and signage – including the main brand symbol of Anonna with the modius. The brand collateral is made from Italian papers, printed simply with touches of glamour. Dramatic Italian paintings are used to create a divine-like feel, used sparingly.

CLIENT: Radisson Collection Roma Antica [Radisson Hotel Group]

PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographer unknown. Borrowed from Radisson Collection Roma Antica


Ewhurst Park

